Go Wild For Reading!
By: Amy Maynard
The goal of this lesson is to help students develop fluency in reading longer, more developed texts. The readers will improve their fluency by creating new sight vocabulary so that they can read words easily and automatically. Fluency is important because it allows readers to focus on comprehending and understanding text. To achieve this, readers will read and reread decodable words, which increases speed. Throughout this lesson, students will practice their fluency by reading and rereading the story Where the Wild Things Are. They will also gain experience with individual silent reading and partner reading. Students will read along with the teacher to gain fluency.
The book Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (copy for teacher and a classroom set)
Stop watch for each group of students
Board or projector teacher can use to show examples and sentence
Chart paper to record WPM for each student (below)
Fluency Checklist for each student (below)
Boat (one per student) with Velcro that moves from one shore to the other to count words per minute
Coverup critters for class
“River” to move boats from shore to shore
(in the woods)0---------10-----------20-----------30----------40-----------50----------60-----------70----------80----------90---------100(at the beach)
Correct WPM:
Fluency Checklist
Title of Book: ___________________________
Student’s Name: _______________ Date: ______________
Partner’s Name: _______________
(Check where improvements were made)
After 2nd Reading After 3rd Reading
______________ _______________ Remembered More Words
______________ _______________ Read Faster
______________ _______________ Read Smoother
______________ _______________ Read with More Expression
“Good Morning class! Today we are going to practice being a fluent reader. This means being able to read the words in stories accurately, automatically, and with expression. We all want to become fluent readers so that we don’t need help. Becoming fluent takes a lot of practice but it will get easier. Fluency will allow you to enjoy reading and you will be able to read for fun.”
“There are many different parts that help you with fluency. First, we have already learned how to decode words. If you get stuck on a long or hard word, don’t worry. We have a tool that helps called a coverup critter. Now I will teach you how to use it.” Write a decodable word on the board. “I just wrote the word drink. Now I am going to use my coverup critter to help me decode this word.” Cover all of the word except for the d. “D says /d/.” Uncover the r. “R says /r/. So we have /d/ and /r/. That says /dr/.” Uncover the i. “I says /i/ or /I/ let’s say it says /i/ in this case. So now we have /dri/.” Uncover the rest of the word. “The last part is nk and we can decode that those two letters say /nk/. So, lets put everything together drrrriiinnnkkk /drink/ that’s right! Drink! See how when we listened to the word and it didn’t make sense we tried a different sound. It is important when we decode that we think about the words we are making to check that they are a real word.”
“Now I am going to read a sentence from the board. I want all of you to tell me if I am reading as a beginner or if I am reading fluently.” Read the sentence on the board. “The dogs are rung, no running, the dogs are running aaarrond arrround around the park. The dogs are running around the park.” Allow students to decide whether you are fluent or a beginner. The answer is beginner. “Good. Now let me read it again. The dogs are running around the park. Am I a beginner or a fluent reader?” Allow students to assess which type of reader you are. The answer is fluent.
Ask students to analyze why they thought you were a beginning reader the first time you read the sentence and then why you were a fluent reader second time. “What did you notice when I read the first sentence?” Give students a minute to answer. “Good. It was hard to understand at first because I did not really know the words. I had to crosscheck and reread. What did you notice about the second sentence?” Give students a minute to answer. “I read the second sentence with a lot more expression because I knew the words. I did not have to spend time decoding.”
“Now it is your turn to practice reading fluently and decoding with your coverup critter. We are going to read Where The Wild Things Are. In this book a boy named Max finds himself in a forest with flowing rivers and tall trees. He travels into the forest and finds some interesting creatures. Want to know what these creatures are? We will have to read and find out! Now everyone needs to get into a group of 3 and find a spot in the room where you can read. I need one person from each group to come to the front and get a Reading Fluency Checklist for each person in your group. Count how many words are on the first two pages. Each partner will take turns reading the book aloud. Each person needs to read two pages. They will read these pages three times. While one partner is reading, another will use a stopwatch to record the time. The third partner can note the reader’s mistakes. This includes saying a word wrong, not knowing a word at all, or skipping the word. When we finish reading, we will take the total number of words minus the number of mistakes. We have to do this all three times. This way, we can see how each of you are making progress with your reading! Also, you all will fill out the Reading Fluency Checklist for the person reading. This will show which reading was the fastest and which reading was the smoothest. Remember to read with expression and have fun!” Walk around and monitor the students as they are reading. Take up Reading Fluency Checklists when they are done.
So that you can make sure that the students were actually reading and comprehending the text call the students back to your table one at a time. “I am going to call each of you back one at a time and ask you about the story to make sure you are actually understanding what you are reading and have you read the pages you read to your partners to me.” Assessment: Call each student to the back to read whatever passage that they read with their partners. Ask 2 or 3 comprehension questions (Example questions: What was one of the things Max did on his adventure? How does Max feel after the monsters go to bed?) Time how long it takes the students to read their two pages. Record students’ words per minute on chart (Multiply number of words read by 60. Divide this number by the number of seconds it took to read pages). When the students receive their WPM, they will move their boat down the river. The goal is to move the boat to the shore on the other side. The students will reread the passage with the teacher, moving their boat. Between readings, the teacher will scaffold by asking open-ended questions. Additionally, point out words the student had trouble with, helping then decode with the coverup critter.
Book: Where The Wild Things Are; by Maurice Sendak
Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Where-Wild-Things-Maurice-Sendak/dp/0064431789
Or online at: https://www.slideshare.net/samsmith_12345/maurice-sendakwherethewildthingsare
Example: Fishing for Fluency; by Katherine Mack: https://ktmack895.wixsite.com/reading/growing-independence-and-fluency
For another lesson: Hop Into Fluency; by Virginia O’Reilly: https://oreillyvm.wixsite.com/lessondesignsoreilly/gf-desgin
Boat GIF: https://giphy.com/gifs/animated-artists-on-tumblr-illustration-cOSp689PAhHUI
For picture of woods for the start of words per minute scale: https://www.123rf.com/photo_39082164_stock-vector-cartoon-illustration-of-the-small-wooden-bridge-in-the-woods-summer-landscape-.html
For picture of beach for the end of words per minute scale: https://www.123rf.com/photo_65118093_hand-drawn-cartoon-of-summer-sea-landscape-background-of-beach-resort-colourful-cartoon-of-backgroun.html